Electricity and Electronics

  • Djurayev Jasur
  • Phone number:  +99866 221 7394
  • Mobile:   +99890 190 2723
  • E-mail: barlos1@umail.uz

Department of “Electricity and Electronics” established in October 2016. There are 2 teachers and 2 master teachers have been working at the department. There are 3 Laboratory Room and 1 Practical Study Room at the department.


The direction of the department:

3310800 – Electronics and Instrumentation

The qualifications of the department:

3318001 – Installation of Electronic equipment

The subjects being taught in the department:

  1. Basics of Practical Electronics
  2. Basic Installation of Electronics
  3. Basics of Household Wiring
  4. Base of PLC
  5. Winding of Electronic Wire
  6. Practices of Electron Chain
  7. Repairing of Household Tools
  8. Base Controlling of One by One
  9. Installation of Industrial Electronics
  10. Supplying Sources of Controllers


The teachers of the department:

  1. Ro’zimurodov Jalol To’rabekovich
  2. Boboqulov Elyor Hamidulloyevich
  3. Hamroyev Rifat Rustam o’g’li
  4. Tuymanov Bekzod Nuriddinovich
  5. Safarov Javohir Salohiddin o’g’li
  6. Ibragimov Mashrab Karimovich

